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Tummy TuckTampa, FL

Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, is designed to remove the extra skin and fat of the lower abdominal wall and provide access for tightening the abdominal wall musculature.

With Tummy Tuck Tampa candidates range from young individuals post-pregnancy facing laxity issues, to those with abdominal rolls resistant to exercise and diet, and older patients experiencing abdominal wall laxity.

Woman in a bikini with glasses tummy tuck Tampa

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A Flatter, Toned Tummy

A Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that can help you achieve a flatter and more toned midsection. It is commonly done to remove loose skin resulting from pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. However, it's not just about skin removal. A Tummy Tuck also tightens the abdominal muscles that can stretch or separate over time, causing a protruding belly.

There are different techniques used to achieve this, including liposuction, which can be done along with a Tummy Tuck to give a more sculpted look. In some cases, surgeons may use advanced technologies to improve precision and better outcomes. The incisions made during the surgery are placed strategically so that scarring is minimized and can be hidden within clothing lines. The sutures used promote a smoother healing process. Ultimately, a Tummy Tuck is a comprehensive approach to getting the desired abdominal profile.

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

While a tummy tuck removes some fat that is attached to the excess skin that is removed, it is no substitute for weight loss, dieting, or exercise. Tummy Tuck also differs from liposuction principally by the open nature of the procedure.

Abdominoplasty also differs from liposuction, principally by the open nature of the procedure. A Tummy Tuck addresses the need for the removal of excess abdominal skin and the ability to correct separated abdominal muscles (a common occurrence after pregnancy or major weight loss).

A Tummy Tuck with liposuction offers two major benefits: removing loose skin and helping to refine small to moderate pockets of fat, leaving the patient with a smooth, flat abdominal area, free of extra hanging skin that is holding them back in life. Similar to a Tummy Tuck, liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure; However, liposuction is considered a permanent fat reduction surgery in that it removes small unwanted areas of fat for better refinement of the abdominal contours.

Woman in a one-piece swimsuit tummy tuck Tampa

Contour Couture

Tummy Tuck Benefits

A Tummy Tuck can offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. Here's a closer look at how this procedure can improve your quality of life:

  • Improved Body Contour: By removing excess skin and fat, a Tummy Tuck can create a flatter, more toned stomach, boosting your confidence in fitted clothing.
  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Feeling good about your appearance can significantly improve your self-esteem and overall quality of life.
  • Reduced Back Pain: Loose abdominal muscles can contribute to back pain. A Tummy Tuck can tighten these muscles, potentially alleviating back discomfort.
  • Improved Posture: A firmer core can lead to better posture, promoting better overall health.
  • Easier Exercise: Excess abdominal skin and fat can make exercise difficult. A Tummy Tuck can make physical activity more manageable.

Benefits by Body Area

  • Waistline: The procedure can help define your waistline for a more hourglass figure.
  • Back: Tightening the abdominal wall can improve posture and potentially reduce back pain.
  • Abdomen: A Tummy Tuck can create a smoother, tighter abdominal profile.

What Makes a Good Tummy Tuck Candidate?

Dr. Landon meets with every Tummy Tuck patient to learn more about them and determine if the procedure is a good fit. Generally, good Tampa Tummy Tuck candidates are men or women that:

  • Have excess skin on the abdomen or hips that they wish to have removed
  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Are close to their target weight
  • Do not smoke (or can quit at least 6 to 8 weeks prior to and after the surgery)
  • Have reasonable expectations of surgery; desire improvement and not perfection
  • Are motivated to seek surgery for personal reasons (i.e., not under the influence of anyone else)
  • Understand the (rare) risks of surgery
  • Do not have any chronic, uncontrolled medical conditions that would make performing surgery unsafe
Woman in a bikini with glasses tummy tuck Tampa

Tummy Tuck Techniques

There are many different types of tummy tucks that your surgeon can perform.

Dr. Landon is well-versed in the latest techniques and methods. At our practice in Tampa Tummy Tuck procedures are fully customized to each patient, ensuring results that align perfectly with your cosmetic expectations.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Mini Tummy Tuck, sometimes called a “skin only Tummy Tuck,”, a mini-abdominoplasty removes loose skin on the lower abdomen alone. The upper abdomen is not touched. It is very popular among women who have had a past pregnancy, particularly those who had a c-section birth, which often leaves a flap of hanging skin on the lower part of the abdomen, along with a c-section scar. Dr. Landon removes the excess lower abdominal skin. It is among the least extensive Tummy Tuck techniques available today. If you have loose skin only on the lower abdomen, this may be the right procedure for you.

Full Tummy Tuck

A standard abdominoplasty procedure is beneficial for a wide variety of Tummy Tuck patients. Many men and women are suitable for the procedure if they wish to remove both upper and lower extra skin on the abdominal area. A full Tummy Tuck may also include separated ab muscle repair for stretched or torn surface abdominals. Liposuction may be added to the procedure for an additional fee to further sculpt and shape the torso.

Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended Tummy Tuck has a longer incision than a standard Tummy Tuck. This procedure is best for patients that have loose skin extending beyond the lower abdomen and involving the lateral hips and flanks. The extended nature of this incision allows Dr. Landon to provide improved contour not obtainable with a traditional Tummy Tuck incision. The extended Tummy Tuck provides an attractive result to rejuvenate the lower abdomen, hip, and flank simultaneously.

Your Aesthetic Realized

Consultation and Preparation

The Tummy Tuck consultation is a vital step to assess if this procedure aligns with your goals. Dr. Landon will meticulously review your medical history, examine your abdomen, and discuss your desired outcomes. This is your chance to be open about what you envision for your Tummy Tuck.

Dr. Landon will explain potential risks and the surgical process specific to your chosen technique. He'll also detail the recovery process, including pain management, incision care, and activity limitations. Once you decide to proceed, Dr. Landon's team will guide you through the preparation steps. This may involve pre-operative tests, maintaining a stable weight, quitting smoking, adjusting medications, arranging for post-surgical help, purchasing compression garments, and creating a comfortable recovery space at home.

By following these steps and openly communicating with Dr. Landon, you can ensure a well-prepared and successful Tummy Tuck journey.

Woman in a one-piece swimsuit tummy tuck Tampa

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Surgery times vary between 2 to 3 hours. The time spent in the operating room can vary, however, depending on exactly what is done during the procedure. For example, there is often the need for some liposuction with the Tummy Tuck to smooth out the contours of the flank and upper abdominal wall. Abdominal muscle separation may also be correct by plicating (stitching) the loose ab muscles back together.

General anesthesia is required during your Tummy Tuck surgery. Incisions vary from patient to patient with regards to the height of the incision and are adapted to bathing suit wear and patient preference. Dr. Landon takes care to mark the incisions carefully and place them in such a way that they are as inconspicuous as possible when the patient is wearing clothing. All absorbable stitch material is used and waterproof dressings are applied for the ease of postoperative hygiene.

Woman in a bikini with glasses tummy tuck Tampa

Embrace A New Lifestyle

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

The path to your ideal abdomen unfolds after your Tummy Tuck surgery. While you'll see an immediate difference in shape and contour, expect swelling and bruising for several weeks. Over 6 to 12 weeks, this will subside, revealing your final results. Scars are inevitable, but Dr. Landon's techniques minimize them. Initially red and raised, they'll flatten and fade with time.

Recovery usually takes two to four weeks before returning to work and most activities, with strenuous exercise on hold for six to eight weeks. Post-recovery, enjoy a flatter, more toned abdomen that allows for more clothing freedom and a return to most activities, including exercise.

To maintain these results, prioritize diet and exercise for weight management and abdominal tone. Sun protection with SPF 30+ is crucial to minimize scar appearance. By embracing a healthy lifestyle and following aftercare instructions, you can enjoy your sculpted abdomen for years to come.

Are Drains Needed?

Drains are placed on a case-by-case basis. A drain to remove fluid for a period of 5 to 7 days is required and removed in the office during routine follow-up. The surgical drains are put in place while the patient is still under sedation from the general anesthesia, so there is no undue discomfort from this portion of the procedure. Drains help remove excess fluid from the wound site. You may be asked to measure and record the fluid output. Dr. Landon or his ACLS-certified medical staff will walk you through the simple steps needed to do so.

How much does a Tummy Tuck cost?

While the exact cost of your Tummy Tuck will vary depending on your personalized procedure (mini vs. full, etc.), materials used, and any combination surgeries, Dr. Landon's team will provide a detailed estimate during your consultation. This cost typically includes surgeon's fees, anesthesia, and facility fees and can be influenced by your geographic location. Remember, prioritizing an experienced surgeon like Dr. Landon is key, but his team can help you navigate the cost factors to make informed financial decisions.

A Tampa Tummy Tuck Surgeon You Can Trust

Dr. Bruce Landon is a board-certified plastic surgeon that has been practicing Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Tampa for 25 years.

He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and then completed six years of surgical training along with two years of specialty training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at U.C. San Diego. He went on to become the founder of Landon Plastic Surgery catering to men and women that desire the highest quality plastic surgery procedures that Tampa has to offer. To book your private Tummy Tuck consultation with Dr. Landon, call us at 813-829-1901 or contact us online.

Photo of office builings in Tampa

Tummy TuckFrequently Asked Questions

As with any surgery, Tummy Tucks carry risks, such as bleeding, infection, and scarring. Dr. Landon will discuss these in detail during your consultation.

Tummy Tuck results can be long-lasting with weight management and a healthy lifestyle.

Significant weight gain can stretch the abdominal skin, but the overall improved tone and shape are typically maintained.

Pregnancy can stretch the abdominal muscles, but the Tummy Tuck can still provide a base for improvement after delivery.

Cost varies based on customization, but Dr. Landon's team will provide a personalized estimate during your consultation.