For skin complexions with extensive photodamage where maximal correction is desired, resurfacing lasers can provide dramatic improvement of fine lines and wrinkles.
Laser skin resurfacing or laser peels at Landon Plastic Surgery are performed with the erbium or CO2 lasers. Resurfacing can be performed as an isolated procedure, or in conjunction with other facial surgery. During Laser skin resurfacing Tampa plastic surgeon Dr. Bruce Landon vaporizes the upper layers of the skin with each pass, increasing the depth of the resurfacing depending on the level of correction necessary.
Laser skin resurfacing is usually performed under anesthesia, either with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The resurfacing may take from 15 minutes, for areas around the mouth, to 45 minutes for full facial resurfacing.
The depth of treatment and the level of aggressiveness desired are dictated by the amount of correction to be performed. Lighter resurfacing is used for fine lines and color improvement, and deeper resurfacing is used for coarse wrinkles and advanced sun damage.
For our patients in Tampa Laser resurfacing may, under some circumstances, be performed in multiple stages, for maximal correction, to minimize side effects associated with aggressive resurfacings.
Resurfacing With New Healthy Skin Takes From 4 To 8 Days, With Strict Instructions Provided For Immediate Post Laser Care.
Immediately after resurfacing, a medical-grade silicone mask and topical anti-inflammatory gels are applied, until the new skin is formed. Immediate showering is advised, and cool packs to the face and soothing gels are used judiciously. Follow-up care is closely monitored for healing and is done weekly until the new skin is completely formed and mature.
Strict sun avoidance is essential, and redness in the treated areas may persist for several weeks. The length of redness is directly related to the depth of treatment. Make-up can be used and is encouraged to soften the early inflammation, and sunscreen is essential to protect one's new complexion.
Patients present to the practice 1 hour prior to the procedure for topical anesthesia application.
The procedure is performed without the need for sedation and takes approximately 15 minutes for the entire face. Two areas, at any given time, are done during one laser session to limit local anesthesia absorption. Specially compounded creams are used for days 1 through 4, to improve post procedure comfort, decreased swelling and limit redness. These are followed by peptide-infused moisturizing creams provided for days 5 through 9, at which time the native complexion is typically restored. Showering is allowed immediately.
Make-up is allowed on or around days 6 through 7. Strict sun avoidance and sunscreen use are essential to prevent any increase in post procedure pigmentation. This technology is superb for the improvement in uniformity of facial color, management of fine to medium wrinkle lines and may be repeated indefinitely, until desired results are achieved, all the while maintaining a normal complexion without the stigma of previous laser procedures.
You will begin to see the results of your Tampa laser skin resurfacing procedure in the first week of your recovery. As you heal, you will notice that the new skin that forms is smoother and there are fewer visible signs of aging and photodamage.
As you heal and your skin continues to repair itself, these improvements will continue to develop. While everyone heals differently, your final results should appear within three months of your procedure.
Because laser skin resurfacing works by triggering your body’s healing response and collagen production, you should see continued improvement long after your initial treatment as the increased collagen improves the look and feel of your skin.
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.