Landon Plastic Surgery
Having children is a beautiful and rewarding experience for women, but it also causes many new and unwanted changes to the body. Pregnancy and breastfeeding in particular are known to alter the breasts and abdomen in ways that cannot be reversed with exercise and healthy eating. This is exactly why the Mommy Makeover is growing in popularity.
The Mommy Makeover is a combination of treatments meant to address the unwanted physical changes caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding, including breast lift and/or breast augmentation and tummy tuck surgery. With the help of a skilled surgeon, any mother can use the Mommy Makeover to restore her pre-baby physique and improve overall confidence and self-esteem.
The Mommy Makeover is a customizable treatment plan that is created with your unique goals in mind. First, you can select between a full tummy tuck and a mini-tummy tuck. A full tummy tuck procedure corrects separated abdominal muscles, lax skin, and unwanted fat in the stomach region. It’s a serious procedure that requires weeks of recovery time, but it delivers dramatic results that completely reverse any damage the abdomen incurred during pregnancy. If your stomach only requires moderate enhancement, you can opt for the mini-tummy tuck that targets only the area below the belly button.
There are many different options for breast enhancement as well. Breastfeeding often causes loss of volume and perkiness in breasts, and many women feel like their breasts have “deflated”. Volume can be restored with breast implants, while sagginess and drooping can be resolved with a breast lift. Many women opt for both procedures in one, but you can work with your doctor to determine which is best for your breasts.
Some Mommy Makeovers include other enhancement procedures such as fat removal in the hips, thigh lift, back, or arms. Whatever changes you want to achieve, Dr. Landon at Landon Plastic Surgery in Tampa and Trinity, Florida can make them a reality with the Mommy Makeover. Having children doesn’t mean you need to accept the physical changes that come as a result. Call (813) 499-1408 today to schedule your free Tampa Plastic Surgery consultation and make plans to transform your body.
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.