Landon Plastic Surgery
It’s no secret that time takes its toll on the body, but many people overlook just how dramatically age can impact the cheeks. Facial volume loss is actually one of the most dramatic signs of aging on the face. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if your cheeks look flatter. Maybe your skin is beginning to sag. If so, you are witnessing the results of mid-face volume loss, but fortunately there is an easy solution! Juvederm Voluma makes it possible to quickly and painlessly restore volume to the cheeks, which in turn helps you look like the very best version of yourself.
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that exists naturally in your body. It can be found between the cells of your body and is responsible for giving your skin a firm and youthful appearance. Just like collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid becomes scarcer as you age. Such a significant decrease in such an important substance leads to midface volume loss. Voluma fights this frustrating process by injecting hyaluronic acid right into your cheeks. The instant that Voluma’s hyaluronic acid finds its place under your skin, it replaces lost volume and leaves your face looking plumper, firmer, and more youthful. You can finally say goodbye to flat, sagging skin.
Juvederm Voluma XC is actually the first and only FDA-approved injectable gel that boosts your cheeks with enough volume to subtly yet effectively contour your face. Just one injection treatment helps you look younger without requiring any downtime or recovery period! While there are many other injectables formulated to add volume to the face and wipe away wrinkles, Voluma is unique because it is only meant for use on the cheeks. It can even last up to two years! After those two years, you can return for another treatment to maintain your gorgeous results.
At Landon Plastic Surgery, Dr. Landon, a top Tampa Plastic Surgeon, and his team of experts offer years of experience completing dermal filler treatments to meet unique and individual patient needs. You can visit Landon Plastic Surgery in Tampa or Trinity, Florida to receive the very best Juvederm Voluma treatment that is sure to address your own cosmetic goals. Call (813) 499-1408 (Tampa) or (727) 376-3999 (Trinity) today to make your first appointment!
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.