Landon Plastic Surgery
Your eyelids and eyebrows influence the overall appearance of your face more than you might realize. Droopy eyelids and brows cause you to look much older and fatigued than you feel. If you want to restore a natural contour and youthful energy to your face, you can undergo a simple eyelid surgery called a blepharoplasty, along with with a brow lift. Together, these two treatments can transform your entire appearance.
Over the years, your eyelids stretch as the muscles supporting them become weaker. This leads to stores of fat creating a saggy, droopy appearance. If you have developed baggy and droopy upper eyelids, excess eyelid skin that interferes with your vision, bags under your eyes, excess skin on the lower lids, or droopy lower lids, blepharoplasty is a simple outpatient procedure that can restore your eyelids to give you a much younger appearance.
Brow lift surgery is designed to elevate the brow and eliminate the appearance of progressive drooping. Especially when done in conjunction with a blepharoplasty, a brow lift will restore a more natural and youthful contour to the face without creating a frozen or unnatural surgical appearance. The majority of brow lift procedures are done using a camera-assisted approach that provides access to the brow through three scalp incisions behind the hairline. This avoids visible signs of surgery on the forehead
The combination of blepharoplasty and a brow lift has the potential to help you look and feel many years younger. In addition to improving the appearance of your eyes by eliminating loose, excess skin and lifting the brow area, this treatment plan will also restore your confidence and give you the desire to flaunt your best features. Landon Plastic Surgery is the best place in the Tampa and Trinity, Florida area to receive your blepharoplasty and brow lift. Just call (813) 499-1408 (Tampa) or (727) 376-3999 (Trinity) to make your appointment now and witness the subtle yet transformative change that Dr. Landon, a leading Tampa Plastic Surgeon can achieve for your appearance.
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.