Landon Plastic Surgery
There are many ways to restore a youthful complexion and not all of them require undergoing surgery. If you want to rejuvenate your face using a quick and easy treatment, the following three ideas can take years off your appearance effortlessly.
If you're frustrated with the pigmentation, vascular lesions, sun damage, and wrinkles that have developed on the surface of your skin, an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial treatment will restore your radiant complexion.
During the short IPL procedure, pulses of light penetrate deep into the skin and cause blood vessels below the skin to constrict and be absorbed by the body. As this happens, they become less visible and force cosmetic marks like sun spots, age spots, blotches, and wrinkles to fade away.
This process even lightens the skin and reduces redness caused by dilated and broken blood vessels on the face, neck, and chest. You'll see the best results after a series of three to five treatments set three to six weeks apart.
Kybella is formulated with deoxycholic acid, an acid that actually exists naturally in the body to break down and absorb fat. Since Kybella places extra amounts of deoxycholic acid directly into the targeted submental fullness, it helps to efficiently dissolve fat in the chin and neck area.
Even better, it prevents skin laxity by tightening and smoothing the skin. Kybella's formula also stops cells from storing and accumulating fat in the future to ensure that, with a healthy lifestyle, the dreaded double chin never returns.
With so many available dermal fillers Tampa patients can find one specifically formulated to meet their exact needs. Different dermal fillers are designed to target wrinkles like smile lines, marionette lines, crow's feet, glabellar lines, prejowl folds, and chin wrinkles.
Juvederm, for example, is a hyaluronic acid filler that fills and lifts your skin to eliminate wrinkles, while Radiesse also stimulates extra collagen production to help resolve wrinkles. Just one treatment can sustain results for more than a year, so you can "set it and forget it."
If you're ready to enhance your complexion or contour your body without surgery, schedule a non-invasive treatment at Landon Plastic Surgery in Tampa, Florida. Call
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.