Landon Plastic Surgery
Women frequently report the abdomen as one of the most difficult areas on the body to slim down and define, especially after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Rather than enduring beach season in a coverup, many women are now opting to undergo the tummy tuck procedure. If the appearance of your stomach is causing you frustration and disappointment, a tummy tuck could be your solution.
Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck flattens the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin from the area. It’s also possible for the muscles in the abdominal wall to be tightened during this plastic surgery procedure. Patients are placed under general anesthesia before an incision is made from one hipbone to another. Excess skin is cut away, extra fat is removed with liposuction, abdominal muscles are pulled into a tighter position, and the skin is stretched back down and sutured to close the incision.
A tummy tuck is very different from liposuction because it is not a direct weight loss tool. Though the removal of extra skin and pockets of fat might result in the loss of a few pounds, the tummy tuck procedure is meant to improve the outer appearance of the abdomen. This means that you should only seek a tummy tuck once you are close to your ideal weight and ready to flatten your stomach, minimize stretch marks, and achieve a more contoured appearance.
Due to the dramatic nature of a tummy tuck Tampa patients have stated that the recovery time spans over quite a few weeks. The first week will require a great deal of rest, so it’s critical to have friends and family members help you with childcare and household duties during this time. You will want to avoid strenuous exercises and vigorous activities for four to six weeks in order to prevent fluid retention in your treated areas. You’ll also need to wear a compression garment to reduce the formation of loose and sagging skin, control swelling, and accelerate recovery time.
Unless you become pregnant or gain and lose a significant amount of weight after your tummy tuck, your results will last indefinitely! Women who have undergone the tummy tuck procedure report improved self-esteem and happiness as a result of their sleek, sexy stomach. To begin your own tummy tuck journey, call (813) 499-1408 to schedule your consultation at Landon Plastic Surgery in Tampa or Trinity, Florida. Dr. Landon is a leading Tampa tummy tuck expert and Plastic Surgeon who can transform the appearance of your abdomen in just a few short hours. Why wait?
Schedule a consultation with Landon Plastic Surgery today at one of our two convenient Tampa area locations to learn how Dr. Landon can help you achieve your body goals.